Welcome to Nursing Gazette, a blog site for nursing news and journals, and a provider of nursing resource materials.
Nursing has become one of the most in-demand careers throughout the world, and is expected to continue up to the year 2010. It appears that trends have played a vital role in its progression, and although it promises a bright future for most nursing students and career opportunists, nursing itself is no easy occupation. It may require intensive study, a lot of patience, and a steadfast commitment for one to be successful. So before taking up this profession, think twice, this is no child’s play. Ask yourself; are you really fond of this profession? Are you willing to serve? Because nursing is not just all about greener pasture or an onward path to success, it’s about providing quality health care to your fellow men by nursing them back to good health, and remember this, like any career opportunities, nursing also has its ups and downs. As a member of the health team, you are responsible for your patience’s well-being. One wrong move could subject you to reprimands, or worst, it could lead to imprisonment. However, doing the good thing also has its rewards, and if you do well in your nursing career, you will most likely achieved your goal, and likewise benefit the fruit of your hard work.
Now, we know that the road to success is narrow, and always have obstacles to hinder your journey, but never fear! If you truly wanted to be a nurse, nothing could stop you as long as you persevere. And as you take on the challenges of life, Nursing Gazette will provide you with necessary aid to help you in your endeavor. By providing news and articles, we believe that we could enhance your nursing experience, by providing you with medical information, we believe that we could broaden your knowledge and sharpen your skills, making you one of the best on this field.
Following our site launch, we will constantly add information pertaining to diseases. What we'll do is that we'll gather information from books and reliable websites, compile it, then summarize and convert it into a simple, quick-to-read, easy-to-digest format that's designed for your study convenience. We will also be gathering news from all around the globe and keep you updated of the latest events. Another good feature that we will be offering is the newsletter subscription. By subscribing to our newsletter service, you could get an email update every time we post something new.
Finally, we would like you to know that Nursing Gazette is composed of a team of nursing graduates, and professionals. Our information here are reliable so you don't have to worry of false information. We are not a bunch of spammers, we are nurses like you. Stay tuned!
December 2010 Nursing Board Exams Result
13 years ago
I think this site has a lot of
potential. I will be submitting some information in the next few weeks. It's nice to find a site that is supportive of nursing.
Thanks cs, we'll be looking forward for your contribution. =)
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